When working on computer, you sometimes will be concentrate on a task and ignore another one. For example, you miss the time to check the important events update on website or video conference on Skype. Luckily, it’s possible to schedule programs to run automatically on your computer to avoid these troubles. In doing so, these individuals can busy with several tasks, but not forget other thing which need to do. And people who wish to get the latest update from a specific site or application may also find this useful. By utilizing the appropriate tools, this action is easily to be fulfilled. Now, this post will give the detailed recommendations and guides.
Easy Guides to Run Programs Automatically
The two methods that we’ll check out are Windows Task Scheduler and Windows Shutdown Assistant. The former one is the management program which comes with your operating system, while the latter is a software that able to assist your work and operations on computer.
1. Windows Task Scheduler
The first option to auto run program on your computer is the Task Scheduler, which is mentioned is a built-in application on your Windows. Launching this tool is a bit different on versions of Windows. However, the steps on how to set tasks are basically the same. Here’s how to use the said program.
- Launch “Control Panel”, choose “System and Security”, click “Administrative Tools” and double click “Task Scheduler”. Provide confirmation or enter administrator password if required.
- Click “Create Basic Task” under the “Actions” column on the right side.
- Type in the “Name” and “Description” of your new task on the right field and click “Next”.
- Select your trigger and click “Next”. Your options include “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”, “one time”, “when the computer starts”, “when I log on” and “when a specific event is logged”. If you selected a time interval, you will be asked to set the task executed time.
- Review the information on the window and click “Finish” once done.
You may create multiple tasks to schedule programs to run automatically, which you can find on the task scheduler library. The major drawbacks of this tool is that the operations are a little tedious and some programs cannot be auto activated properly.
2. Windows Shutdown Assistant
If want to get rid of the drawbacks of built-in Task Scheduler, you may use another application called the Windows Shutdown Assistant. Don’t be confused with its name as automatically shutting down the computer is only one of its features. It can also be used to auto run program effectively and even more. It’s a simple but very powerful tool that has a user friendly interface. Here’s how to use it to run scheduled programs at a certain time.
Tap the green button to download the software, then install and open it. It is totally free so you don’t need to pay anything.
Set your time schedule in “Trigger”. You may choose to have the task executed after a few minutes, at a specific time of the day, every day or from a time then repeating it every few minutes.
Choose the “Action” you prefer from the drop down. If you wish to start a program automatically, select “Run File or Program”. Also, you are allowed to choose “Open Webpage” to open the webpage on browser.
Next to “Filename”, click the button with the three dots to browse the file or program that you wish to run automatically. You may choose to have a countdown before the action happens, so you can cancel or resume task as preferred.
Click “Add to action list” and “Start”, then the task will be set well. Minimize the interface, the software will run in background and schedule a program to run as set.
This application also lets you set your computer to automatically restart, log off, hibernate and lock at a desired time. Messages and notes can also be created, which could serve as reminders so you don’t miss your break or any other important matters. It’s compatible with all Windows OS including Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7 and more.
If you don’t like to install another application to run programs automatically on your PC, the built-in Task Scheduler would do. However, if you prefer a more user friendly program that easy to use and allows to run programs at fixed time efficiently, Windows Shutdown Assistant is a better option.